Monday, July 13, 2009

Sex Isn't the Only Thing We Think/Talk About!

With all the movies and TV shows about teenagers and their rampant sex lives, it's hard to see through the Hollywood facade. Despite what TV and movies say, sex isn't the only thing on our minds. In fact, there are a lot of us who aren't even sexually active. Most shows like to say how we are at risk for teenage pregnancy now more than ever, but to be quite honest, that is a little extreme. Just because a portion of us are getting pregnant does not mean that ALL of us are at risk. The only people at risk of getting pregnant are the ones having sex, and like I said before, only some of us are. So to say that we are constantly at risk of getting pregnant is going a bit overboard, don't you think?

Also, in most teenage movies and shows, it seems that all the teens ever talk about is sex: who they had sex with last night; who they cheated on their girlfriend/boyfriend with; the chance that they could be pregnant; what they are going to do about being pregnant; talking about how much sex they have. But the most disturbing conversation that seems to occur is the talk about how much fun sex is. Adults are always trying to keep us from having sex, and most of the time it works. It seems like the media is extremely fickle. At the start of the show, they advocate for abstinence, then about ten minutes later, they have a girl talk about all the great sex she is having. That seems to be a bit of a mixed message. Obviously, these shows aren't doing their job which is to educate teens about REAL relationships. They are going over the edge by trying to create an image for ALL teens. The image is that we are basically like rabbits. Our thoughts center around eating and sex. But that isn't what we are about.

If you think about it, there are a lot of adults who seem to only think about sex, but are they put on display like animals at a zoo and used as an example for ALL adults? No, they aren't, which is why adults need to be educated on what teens are really like nowadays.

Posted By: Don't Call Me Juno

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